Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Video Project 1: Bears

Vermont has several laws to protect wildlife. Over the years, black bears have been a rising issue.

Though black bears are known as carnivores, they are true omnivores. Their food sources include plants, small animals, seeds and insects. When spring time comes around, food is scarce. The bears often travel closer to resident’s homes in search of plants and seeds.

There have been several cases of black bear attacks in the state of Vermont. The bears
get into bird feeders and gardens of homes around the state. There have also been several cases where home owners spot the bears and feed them. The bears may seem harmless at first but they can get quite aggressive.

On May 30th, 2011, a woman was attacked in Cabot, Vermont. Jessica Miller claims she was trying to shoo two cubs off of her back porch when her cat ran outside. She immediately grabbed her cat which resulted in the cat letting out a dreadful cry. When the mother bear heard the cat’s cry, she reacted as if one of her cubs were in trouble. The bear attacked Miller leaving her with claw and bite marks on her leg. Miller had apparently been feeding the bears for a few years. She
was previously warned by the states game warden not to feed the bears. She claims she had not been feeding the bears that year and it was simply a mishap.

Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife officials says that bears have been poking their noses closer to non rural areas in search for food. Officials claim that the bears usually will not attack
unless provoked. They strongly advise that residents take caution to the bears.

Bird feeders should only be used during the winter seasons and garbage cans should be put in a location where the bears cannot get into them. If one see a bear or come in contact with it one should keep their distance and holler at the bear until it leaves. Stay indoors until you are positive that the bear has left the premises.

It is also advised that all pets and animals are kept inside because bears will eat just about anything that crosses their paths. Pet food and grills will also attract these bears. The black bear usually will travel around so if you hear a neighbor mentions a bear sighting don’t ignore it. To avoid a bear attack take all of the previous precautions.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Video Project 1 Idea- Group 4

Group 4 has decided to make a video about selling a house. People say the housing
market is turning around, so we are going to videotape a mock showing of
Patrick's family home they are selling. He will walk around and point out the
highlights of the home and go over the asking price with the potential buyer.
The story will talk about different sellers dropping their prices regularly
because the market is still not that great. And also address the idea that
people do not actually buy the home, but buy the land the house is on.
We will have back ground noise from the house: echoes because it is
empty, voices of Patrick and the buyer and outside noises when they take a
stroll on the property. Jessie and Kristin are thinking about low background
music, but not 100% sold on the idea.

Patrick and Kristin will shoot the video and do the talking.
Jessie and Kristin will edit the video.
Linda and Patrick will work on the story.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Slide Show 2

Learning how to tie one’s shoes is an important skill that one learns at a young age. Many methods have been used to help children learn this more easily. Some are taught songs, poems, or even dances. Each of these has some kind of catchy rhythm that helps children catch on to this skill and enjoy it while they learn.

“Two snakes escaped from the zoo and live the holes in my shoe! In and out they twisted and fought, till their tails were tied in a knot.” This is an example of a poem that children are taught in kindergarten. This poem is fun and keeps kids attention.

Teaching people how to tie their shoes is everywhere. There are children’s books, magazines, and computer games. Many children shows have done skits on how to teach children how to tie their shoes, shows including Arthur, Rugrats, Full House and Spongebob. Spongebob even did an episode that had a song at the end. “Just do a loop de loop and pull, and your shoes are looking cool.” This line is teaching kids while persuading them that they will can look cool by learning this skill.

Different types of shoes require different types of knots. If one is wearing a sneaker one might want to use the basic knot that he or she first learns. However, if one has shoes that have longer laces, they might want to use the double knot to shorten up the laces, however, double knots are usually a bit more difficult to untie. Boots are a little different. Boots require extra support and lacing. Usually one has to go lace around metal clamps up the ankle and back down just so that way there is some more support.

Now days there are hundreds of different types of shoes. Slide on shoes have become really popular along with flip flops and Velcro. The skill of tying shoes is a forgotten talent. Older generations of kids took pride in knowing how to tie their shoes, now; kids have so many different types of shoes that tying their shoes hardly seem important anymore.

Tying your shoes is a fun skill that when learned is something one usually never forgets. It sticks with people for life and those people will teach their kids who will teach their kids. Hopefully this skill will continue to be taught by parents, guardians, and teachers.

Slideshow 2 Synopsis

Learning how to tie your shoes is an important skill that many learn at a young age. Some kids are taught a pretty basic way but other has different techniques and tactics while going about it. Group 4 is going to interview one person and ask them how they tie their shoes.

We decided to switch up roles this time. We will be breaking up in editing and taking on new positions.

Patrick is going to interview his coach. He will ask him basic questions and take pictures with each step that he responds to.

Kristen is going to be doing a lot of the sound and video editing. She will also find music that goes along with the story. Jessie and Linda will be helping out whenever they can on the audio editing as well.

Jessie will be writing the synopsis and the 400 word story that goes along with this project. She will show the story to the rest of the group to make sure everyone agrees on it.

When we are all finished with our parts, we will come together for the final cut and collaborate all of our individual work. Group 4 is going to show an old skill in a new light.

SLide Show 2 Idea

For the slideshow 2 project, Group 4 is going to learn how to tie shoes. We will interview one person on the way they tie their shoes. During the interview we will have pictures that will document how he/she is doing it.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Student Athletes

Follow this link to the slide show:

Student athlete. That is a common term here around Lyndon State College. These are students that have decided to play a varsity sport or an intramural sport during their college career. Lyndon offers a variety of extracurricular activities for students with the stipulation that being a student comes first. Notice how the term is not Athlete Student.
How do these men and women balance being a student, an athlete, work and a social lift? I think maybe they are cloned. But seriously, how do people learn to multitask and where do they learn time management skills? Many people have different systems; some prefer the trial and error method, some talk with employers and some utilize their resources that coaches and teachers offer. Any way you look at it these are lifelong skills that students cannot learn by just opening a book in the classroom. Lyndon offers students these extracurricular activities to help broaden their skills for the job market.
Baseball just doesn’t teach you about the sport, but offers students a chance to travel to other states and see the other sights of New England. All of the sports here at Lyndon offer that chance to students. Along the way students learn how to plan accordingly for papers and projects. Students work as a team to help each other with homework and find ways to work through the stress that is accompanied with high education. Coaches work closely with their players to make sure they are on the right track to graduation, because at the end of the day that is the main goal.
Student athletes don’t just come in the form of a varsity player though. Lyndon offers intramural sports as well. These are teams that are formed by students with no coaches. They do not have to “tryout” and “cuts” are not made. These sports a little more laid back in the fact that there are not practices to attend, but it is just as time consuming as the varsity teams. These students have to make sure that they have all the players for their teams and that there are enough teams to play. Not only do they play they help organize. Even though these students do not have a coach to help them through, there are many other faculty members that can and will help.
In the end it is up to the student to make sure that they have their priorities straight. Student comes first and athlete comes second. Lyndon encourages students to pursue any extracurricular activity they are interested. It helps build those skills that are not taught in a book or on the computer. These are valuable skills that will help everyone through life.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Project Synopsis

Lyndon offers many extracurricular activities for its students. But how do students balance school, work, friends and the extracurricular activities they are involved with? Group 4 is going to explore how student athletes manage their time. We will speak with a variety of students that
play sports to discuss challenges they face on a daily basis. Everyone in the group knows
someone on a sports team, so everyone will take part in the interviewing process. Group 4 wanted a wide variety of students and sports so limiting the interviewing to only one person would be hard to do. Everyone will also contribute to the pictures for the slideshow. Linda
knows students that skateboard; Jessie knows students that play intramurals; Patrick and Kristin know multiple students on the varsity teams and some of the coaches. The four of them will take pictures of the sports they interviewed about to help create that story through the slideshow.
Group 4 did decide to break up the editing. Linda and Jesse will work on the sound editing; intermixing the interviews and music. Kristin and Patrick will work on editing the photos and arranging them in a fun and interesting pattern. Then all four group members will collaborate
on the final project; putting the sound and photos together. The group is hoping to shed some light on the responsibilities and time management skills it takes to be successful as a student athlete.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Slideshow Critique

I found this slideshow via Stumbleupon. It showcases a four images captured by microscopes.

Having interest in science, I was drawn to the subject matter of this slideshow. The photographers did a great job in capturing visually entrancing images. The two photos that captured my attention was Fruit Flies and Reproduction and color in color. The colors in the pictures are amazing to look at.

The slideshow would be more interesting if it had more pictures. Four pictures is cutting such an interesting subject matter short.
This blog was a lot more interesting than the slideshow. Learning about good places to keep your cash is handy.

The blog itself was well written. The writer kept each paragraph short and to the point. Each idea was well explained, and had a good picture to go with it.

The creator definately took the time to make this slideshow perfect.

The two things that I like about this gallery, is the artwork, and the fact that this gallery is also a blog.

The artwork itself is great. He uses a lot of detail, and it's amazing how he uses such basic materials (pen and post it notes)

I like how eerie they all are.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day Podcast- Group 4

Valentine’s Day is a holiday that can divide our opinions as much as any other major holiday we celebrate. Some people really love the holiday and give more love on February 14 than any other day. Other people might think that this holiday is good but that they should show love every day of the year. And then you have those people who think that this holiday is the worst thing ever and a complete waste of time. Here at Lyndon State College, we see those same divisions as there are wide arrays of opinions even in this small community.
Our group ventured out into the world of Lyndon to see these very opinions. Upon walking the halls and computer labs of campus, as well as some off-campus apartments, we noticed that Valentine’s Day was greeted with hate and love. First, we find one student in the Hornet’s Nest thinks that a night in with a bottle of wine and a movie would be the best way to spend the day and night. She valued the holiday as a way to treat herself and have a nice night in.
We then interviewed faculty and staff who are both married and they saw the holiday as a way to spend time with the ones they love. They were both going to spend time together and have a nice dinner together. They saw the love of one another every day so this was a nice change of pace for them.

After we interviewed a few people that were married, we then interviewed some students who all had different ideas on the holiday and who were mostly spending it the same way. They saw the holiday as an unnecessary day because that if you are with someone that you love, that every day should be like Valentine’s Day. One student even said that Valentine’s Day was a, “crock of shit.” But either way they look at it, they are all single and they didn’t see a reason to celebrate more than they would any other Tuesday. They all believed that if they were in a relationship with someone, they would probably see the benefit of having a Valentine’s Day so they could, “spend more money that I could be saving.” I thought it was pretty funny.

Although Valentine’s Day was originally a day to show love to your significant other, by hand-writing out cards and giving flowers, it has transformed into something much bigger than that. This holiday has grown from something small into the chaotic day that is February 14, Valentine’s Day remains popular and seems to keep growing every year.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Podcast- Outline

Our podcast will end up being about Valentine’s Day on campus and with the Lyndon community as a whole. We are interviewing students, faculty, and staff about their opinions on Valentine’s Day while incorporating a brief history of the holiday and any other relevant information we can find on the topic. We hope to get people who love and hate this holiday, and hopefully we get some interesting responses to our questions because this holiday is all over social media and the news and it seems to create a lot of interesting debates on relationships and love for everyone involved.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Podcast Critique: NPR- Taxing Sugar

The title of the podcast is what really grabbed my attention. I liked how it was straight to the point, and it incorporated two everyday items/issues, sugar and economics.

The audio part of the podcast was well produced. I liked how at the beginning the two dj's were joking around with the name "Stevia". The added humor drew me in deeper.

The dj's explained what the sugar substitute was, where it is found, and how it is made. They also went farther and explained how currently Asia is dominating this industry, but how many Americans are trying to start the business in California.

The only thing that confused me was how the audio never touched on the "taxing" aspect, which is what they named the podcast after. However, that issue was discussed in the text portion.

The only critique I have to give this podcast is that they should have talked about the taxing issue, since that is what caught my attention in the first place.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Hometown Sunoco Robbed at Gunpoint

At 1:15 AM yesterday morning, the Hometown Sunoco in Swanton, Vt was robbed at gunpoint.

The robber, who is described as a white male between 5'8" and 6'0" tall, walked away from the robbery with an undisclosed amount of money and goods. He did not harm anyone.

There is no other available information.

Vermont State Police are still looking for the suspect. If anyone has any information, they are urged to call the State Police in St. Albans at 802-524-5993 or the Franklin County Sheriff's Office at 802-524-2121.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's Hunting Season Boys!

Two Vermont rednecks went bear hunting the other day, and one of them got shot.

Conrad Masse, 76, from Craftsbury shot his pal Wayne Goff, 58 from Wolcott, in the groin, when the bear they were hunting walked in between the two men.

Do I feel bad for him? No, not really.

A lot of people make the argument that the elderly should be required to retake their drivers test once they hit a certain age for safety reasons. I think that arguement should apply for the elderly who hunt.

So besides having to deal with the guilt of shooting his friend, Masse also has to deal with the fact that he is getting screwed up the bum legally.

Masse is charged with "Aggravated Assault... fined for Shooting from the Road, Having a Loaded Rifle in his Vehicle, and Not having proper display of permits for the bear hounds." Detective Sgt. Jacob Zorn- Bradford Barracks.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Blog Critique- Alex Foster's Trek to Change the World

"By the time you read this I will have renounced all of my worthless possessions like I always wanted to do... I will be on the road with no money, no phone, no security, no insurance, nothing, but love, life, liberty and the pursuit of a dream... The dream to live in a world of people wide awake to their own dreams and the universal one; to love each other boundlessly and selflessly for the greater good of all Humankind."
-Alex Kode Foster

Personally, I find most blogs to be redundant, boring, and full of endless complaints about politics, human morality, and the ever failing economy. Who really gives a ****, right? Most of the bloggers spend their lives behind their computer screen, "meeting" people online, and never being proactive in their want for change.

Alex Foster is not that kind of blogger.

What makes Trek to Change the World a blog worth reading is that Alex Foster isn't sitting behind a computer screen complaining. He's out there making his dream a reality. For the next 5 months Alex and his friend Dylan will be traveling together, carrying nothing but the bare essentials and making their way around the country on a solar powered trek. He's out there meeting people and making his philosopy known.

Trek to Change the World is updated every few days or so.

Almost every post has comments on it, so it is read regularly.

Besides texts Trek to Change the World uses video and pictures.

All in all, there is nothing about Trek to Change the World that I don't like. Just the fact that Alex and his friend Dylan are out there, on foot, making change, and documenting their progress via blog makes it all worth reading.