Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Slideshow 2 Synopsis

Learning how to tie your shoes is an important skill that many learn at a young age. Some kids are taught a pretty basic way but other has different techniques and tactics while going about it. Group 4 is going to interview one person and ask them how they tie their shoes.

We decided to switch up roles this time. We will be breaking up in editing and taking on new positions.

Patrick is going to interview his coach. He will ask him basic questions and take pictures with each step that he responds to.

Kristen is going to be doing a lot of the sound and video editing. She will also find music that goes along with the story. Jessie and Linda will be helping out whenever they can on the audio editing as well.

Jessie will be writing the synopsis and the 400 word story that goes along with this project. She will show the story to the rest of the group to make sure everyone agrees on it.

When we are all finished with our parts, we will come together for the final cut and collaborate all of our individual work. Group 4 is going to show an old skill in a new light.

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