Monday, March 5, 2012

Project Synopsis

Lyndon offers many extracurricular activities for its students. But how do students balance school, work, friends and the extracurricular activities they are involved with? Group 4 is going to explore how student athletes manage their time. We will speak with a variety of students that
play sports to discuss challenges they face on a daily basis. Everyone in the group knows
someone on a sports team, so everyone will take part in the interviewing process. Group 4 wanted a wide variety of students and sports so limiting the interviewing to only one person would be hard to do. Everyone will also contribute to the pictures for the slideshow. Linda
knows students that skateboard; Jessie knows students that play intramurals; Patrick and Kristin know multiple students on the varsity teams and some of the coaches. The four of them will take pictures of the sports they interviewed about to help create that story through the slideshow.
Group 4 did decide to break up the editing. Linda and Jesse will work on the sound editing; intermixing the interviews and music. Kristin and Patrick will work on editing the photos and arranging them in a fun and interesting pattern. Then all four group members will collaborate
on the final project; putting the sound and photos together. The group is hoping to shed some light on the responsibilities and time management skills it takes to be successful as a student athlete.

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