Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Video Project 1: Bears

Vermont has several laws to protect wildlife. Over the years, black bears have been a rising issue.

Though black bears are known as carnivores, they are true omnivores. Their food sources include plants, small animals, seeds and insects. When spring time comes around, food is scarce. The bears often travel closer to resident’s homes in search of plants and seeds.

There have been several cases of black bear attacks in the state of Vermont. The bears
get into bird feeders and gardens of homes around the state. There have also been several cases where home owners spot the bears and feed them. The bears may seem harmless at first but they can get quite aggressive.

On May 30th, 2011, a woman was attacked in Cabot, Vermont. Jessica Miller claims she was trying to shoo two cubs off of her back porch when her cat ran outside. She immediately grabbed her cat which resulted in the cat letting out a dreadful cry. When the mother bear heard the cat’s cry, she reacted as if one of her cubs were in trouble. The bear attacked Miller leaving her with claw and bite marks on her leg. Miller had apparently been feeding the bears for a few years. She
was previously warned by the states game warden not to feed the bears. She claims she had not been feeding the bears that year and it was simply a mishap.

Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife officials says that bears have been poking their noses closer to non rural areas in search for food. Officials claim that the bears usually will not attack
unless provoked. They strongly advise that residents take caution to the bears.

Bird feeders should only be used during the winter seasons and garbage cans should be put in a location where the bears cannot get into them. If one see a bear or come in contact with it one should keep their distance and holler at the bear until it leaves. Stay indoors until you are positive that the bear has left the premises.

It is also advised that all pets and animals are kept inside because bears will eat just about anything that crosses their paths. Pet food and grills will also attract these bears. The black bear usually will travel around so if you hear a neighbor mentions a bear sighting don’t ignore it. To avoid a bear attack take all of the previous precautions.